my fashion diary.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Legs & Confidence

I take advantage of warm days.
Haven't been sick all this winter/fall *fingers crossed*.
I think it's a myth that if you dress light when the weather is nice in the winter you get sick.
At least it's never happened to me *knock knock*
Anywho my legs are making another appearance this winter.
Blogging has literally taken over my life.
I think I'm addicted.
I'm addicted.
I don't even shop because I need clothes anymore.
I shop keeping in mind what is blogable.
Obviously, the universe is in agreeance because two opportunities have fell right in my lap. 
One is with a very well-known retailer.
Can't wait to share with you guys.
(you said "On a Tuesday" in your mind, be honest)
Shameless Plug;
If you would like to see your designs/clothing featured on C.B.B.
E-mail me at
words that push me...
"Oh, your trying to do this now?"
"You wanna do what?!"
"Stay in your lane"
Yes. I will do this. I AM MY LANE.

I guess what I love most about this is the writing piece.
The advice I give.
The freedom.
The ability to be humorous & just plain OL' me.
I'm not exactly where I want to be.
But...well, you know the rest.
Sequined Skirt (Size 14) HERE
Similar Cap-Sleeved Blouse (L) HERE
Similar Riding Boots HERE
Whatever you are passionate about, you should set goals & just ATTACK. Swing hard but learn from your mistakes. Take constructive criticism & adjust. Constructive means serving a useful purpose; tending to build. Their intentions may be to tear you down but listen closely. Get out of your feelings & let them tell you what you did wrong. Always make sure it's constructive. Adjust & then check them out, inadvertently building you... *winks*

Don't let others transfer their doubt to you.
You can do it.
You were born to do it.
You will.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

September, I Miss You A Little.

Hey beautiful.
Are you missing September yet?
I mean I love the fact that we haven't had any snow storms but this cold is so bitter.
I miss being able to take my jacket off without my skin freezing over.
I miss breathing and not seeing smoke.
I miss being able to run to the car to get my phone charger at night.
Fall was my buddy.
Fall is gone. I'll accept it. And winter has been good to me. Sometimes she slips in a warm day.

I gave this coat away but now I want it back. It was kinda cool. I could sure used it right now. BRRR!

Shirt, Coat, & Skirt- H&M

Boots- Target

Well, another quick flashback post. I'm purging my camera.
I think I may be done but be sure to check out my latest post!
Oh & one of my favorites;

Thanks for reading.
Happy Holidays!


Bee Day Recap

Quick Post!
I just realized I never posted my birthday pics.
I wore two different outfits!
I had such an amazing day thanks to my boys & my fiance/camera man.
I can't tell you how much they all mean to me. They made my day so special.
Thanks to everyone for all the gifts & bday wishes.
Love you guys!
Look 1

Look 2

Both outfits are from Macy's!


P.S. I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.
See ya soon!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

How To Survive The Holiday Party

So, it's that time of year again. 
The ALMIGHTY holiday party has come upon us once again.
If you are anything like me, you just wanna show up, look cute, laugh, & exit.
Here are the 7 vital steps to surviving this year's party!
*warning: heavy sarcasm & high-brow humor*

1. Don't just show up. Make an ENTRANCE!
People have gotten used to seeing you in your work clothes completing your normal tasks, & being a robot. Sometimes they need a reminder that you are FABULOUS & it's an honor to be in your presence- HA! Don't show up on time. Arrive just a little later than everyone else. Walk in like you just stepped on the runway and have invisible fans blowing your hair.

2. Save the clubwear for the CLUB.
There is nothing worse than showing up to the company holiday party looking like a cougar on the prowl. Remember these are your co-workers with whom you have solid professional relationships. You can look good while maintaining your current level of respect. Don't show too much cleavage. Absolutely NO super short dresses/or skirts that may ride up & expose cheeks! The only cheeks we need to see should be covered in blush- LOL!

3. Know your alcohol limits & don't go near them.
I've heard some horror stories about how co-workers have gotten way out of hand at the company's holiday party. Do you want to be remembered & talked about every year for groping people, yelling, & climbing on tables? If your limit is 2 drinks, I'd say just have 1 to be safe. Enjoy yourself but not to the point where you make others feel uncomfortable. If you are doing something that could potentially end up on film with someone yelling out "WORLD STAR" in the background- DON'T DO IT. ALso, if you find yourself coming into physical contact with your co-workers, YOU ARE DRUNK. Call a ride and go home. 

4.Never be the last person to leave.
Seriously. Do I need to elaborate? You are not at your prom. It isn't funny anymore. Just go home. Nothing screams "I NEED LOVE" like being the last person at the party trying to get a few more drinks & laughs. Just give it up. I will be your friend. Add Me on Facebook.

5. Tell your Guy/Lady about flirty co-workers.
If you are bringing your significant other to the holiday party you may want to give them the heads up so they are not blind sided. That creepy supervisor may be a little tipsy & bold today. Your significant other WILL NOT care & BOOM! You've got workplace & at-home problems. Just tell them about it & stir clear of the non-sense. This should've been addressed a while ago but that's none of my business... *tea please*

6. Don't be anti-social.
As an introvert myself, I get really overwhelmed with  small talk. I hate to force a smile & put on my enthusiastic voice but I've mastered it. It's not that I'm not genuinely happy-go-lucky. I just get nervous when faced with the initial "How's it going?". I've learned to JUST DO IT. At least work the room & speak to everyone! Always start with a warm greeting & remember compliments will never fail you. Think of basic questions to ask everyone so that you are prepared (How are the kids? How is your husband? Are you going away for the holidays?, etc). You'll have plenty of time to stuff your face but for now let your personality shine, you LOVELY BUTTERFLY, you!

7. DO have a ton of fun.
I know I gave you a lot of things you should not do but here is the most important one. Have fun! Laugh. Smile. Eat. Dance-not like no one's watching though lol. Be merry. This is what the holiday's are all about. Spread love and kindness to others. Some people just need to see a smile or to share a laugh. It is so important that we communicate with each other. We grow as people by sharing ideas, visions, goals, & experiences. This season is the perfect time! 
Similar Jessica Howard Dress HERE
Size 14>Dresses>Office Party

From Curvy Brittnie Blogs!

Thank you SO MUCH for reading.
I really appreciate you guys.
Comment & Subscribe!


Monday, December 8, 2014

The Hippy Hippie

The Hippy Hippie| 70's Style Capture

I wanted to share with you this trend I saw reappear while shopping.
I'm so excited to see this comeback around.
I thought it was gonna happen earlier this year (March/April) but didn't see it mainstream.
Nonetheless bell bottoms, palazzo's, flare's & wide leg jeans have made their way back to my heart!

Now this is always pretty tricky for taller women like myself.
I'd usually steer clear of the super wide leg pant but I will not let my height stop me.
I'm riding the wave this time around!
It's almost 2015.
Come on, now ;-)

I haven't been able to find a retailer who makes tall bell bottoms or palazzo's...
SO, I opted to do it myself.
1.Wear high-top boots so your ankles don't show 
(because ankles and bell bottoms are just blah- LOL).
2. Find wide-leg's in a stretchy material & pull at the seams (not too hard).
This will loosen/stretch out the seam, making them a little bit longer (maybe an inch or two).

When I saw this trend at my favorite retailers, It got me so excited. 
I am such a flower child!
I would've loved to be a teen in the disco era.
I could see me now with my fro, holding up the peace sign.

Woven Palazzo Pants HERE

Steve Madden Rickshaw Booties HERE

Similar purse HERE
These pants do everything for my hips!
It's a pretty cool, updated 70's look.
I could've gone overboard with a colorful shirt but decided to keep it simple.
Hope you like!
Let us know what you think.


The Hippy Hippie.